Check-in is 3pm-6pm.
If you need to arrive later than 6pm, please call to make special arrangements.
Hotel: 541 386-3845
Emergencies Only After Hours: 541 490-0023 or 541-490-0079
Check-out is 11am.
Late departure can be arranged upon request. For departures after 11am, or without approval, there is a $30 charge. Book direct with us and arrange a late checkout free of charge. No refunds are given for delayed arrival or early departure.
You must be 21 years of age or older to reserve a room.
Lost keys have a $50 charge for replacement.
We reserve the right to deny service to anyone.
Room rates are for single occupancy and exclude taxes. At the time of the reservation, a total of one night’s stay plus a 5% guest service fee and tax will be charged to your credit card. A credit card is required to be on file for each reservation. The full balance of your reservation is due upon check-in.
No cash or personal checks are accepted.
June – October: On weekends, most rooms are a two-night minimum stay. A two or three-night minimum stay may be required for special events and holiday weekends. If your stay is shorter, please call us to see if we have a last minute room available in the house.
Rates are subject to change. Prices may vary depending on length of stay, local events and holidays. All rates are subject to 9.8% Lodging Tax.
A 5% guest service fee is added to the total amount to cover credit card and
charges and other extra charges.
We reserve the right to change room arrangements and amenities without notice.
Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, however, as a boutique hotel our guests often make reservations far in advance to ensure they have a room. This makes it difficult to re-book a room with short notice.
Cancellations made 15 days or more in advance will be refunded deposit less a 10% cancellation fee per room.
Cancellations made 14 days or less from your expected arrival date will not be refunded the deposit; however, we will hold your deposit as a credit toward your next stay for one full year from the date of cancellation.
Making your stay shorter is also considered a cancellation for affected nights, and is subject to the same 14-day cancellation policy.
Rooms have a maximum occupancy of two guests with the exception of four guests in Room Six, the suite.
Some rooms can accommodate a sleeping pad for a maximum of three guests for an additional charge of $10 per day. For more information ask Reservations Staff.
Disregard of our guest policy will result in additional charges to be determined by management.
Breakfast is served at 8:30, 9:00, or 9:30am. Tea service is available all hours in the living room. Advance notice is appreciated.
Please tell the Reservations Staff of any dietary restrictions when making your reservation. We are happy to accommodate dietary restrictions.
If there is an emergency in the hotel, call 911. A phone is located at the front desk of the lobby,dial 9 for an outside line.
If you need after hours assistance that can not wait until Guest Services Staff arrive, please first call 541-490-0023. If there is no answer in 5 minutes, call 541 490-0079.
Bikes, skis, and other equipment are not allowed in the room. Locked storage is available. If you choose to leave items in your car it is at your own risk.
If mud, grease, or damage is found in the room due to sports equipment, additional charges will be applied to the credit card on file.
The interior and grounds are all smoke free, including vaping and the use of marijuana. Disregard of this policy will result in extra charges at a minimum of $250.
Well behaved dogs under 65lbs are allowed. There is an additional $25 cleaning fee. Never leave a dog alone in a room. Dogs will be dogs so if there is damage of any kind it will result in additional charges. A dog bed and water bowl are provided. For doggie day care, we recommend Cascade Pet Camp.