We invest in sustainable practices because minimizing our impact on the earth is essential—especially here in the Columbia River Gorge. We want to keep our river pristine and skies blue for all to enjoy.
- Kitchen: minimal use of paper cups, plastic bottles
- Laundry: high efficiency gas commercial hot water heater & dryer
- Timer controlled outdoor lighting
- 90% of light bulbs are led except for specialty bulbs
- Use cloth bags when shopping for food
- Reuse the occasional plastic bag that comes through our door
- Recycling bins: housekeepers separate paper, glass, plastics, metal and cardboard for local garbage pickup
- Thermostats set at 72 degrees
- Dual flush toilets
- Food sourced from local farmers and hotel owner’s farm
- Recycling bins
- Gas stove
- Efficient energy saving appliances
- Compost bin for food and coffee grounds waste
- Cloth napkins
- China plates and cups
- Non-disposable glasses and silverware
- Smart sprinkler system on a timer
- Low water usage due to plant density
- Permeable paver patio for water drainage
- Organic gardens and landscape
- Herbs to use in recipes and refreshing waters
- Give for the Gorge
- Local farmers for produce
- Local environmentally conscious businesses
- Lights are turned off in empty rooms
- LED lights in most fixtures
- Low flow shower heads
- Low flow toilets
- Individual heating and cooling units
- Room refrigerators turned off when not in use
- Operable double paned windows for fresh air
- Information on safe drinking water from faucet in room to encourage refilling water bottles
- Glasses are provided in rooms
- Encourage guests to hang and reuse towels
- For guests with us multiple nights change linens and towels every three days unless requested
- Housekeeping has training and policy in place
- Specially formulated, locally produced and packaged
- Refillable shower dispensers for bath gel, shampoo, conditioner to reduce plastic containers
- Organic farm growing large garden, hay and garlic
- Large compost area for year around supply
- Cows and chickens eat waste
- Large garden supplying vegetables and fruits for hotel breakfast
- Chickens supply eggs for hotel breakfast
- Chickens rotate in chicken tractor to fresh organic pasture
- Animals fed organic feed
- Organic garlic used in hotel recipes
- Recycling program with garbage sorted and brought to Oak Street Hotel to decrease waste and littering
- All linens washed at the Oak Street Hotel for maximum efficiency
- Green cleaning products used